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🚗 The Key To Getting Rich: Driving an Old Car?

We all want financial security.

Among a group of “super savers” recently surveyed, a remarkable 98% of them feel their savings habits have created financial security in their lives.

The Principal Financial Group report defined “super saver” as putting $17,100+ into a 401(k) account in 2019 or deferring at least 15% of their salary into a tax-protected retirement account.

What specific actions have they taken to enable all that savings, and the financial security that comes with it?

“The No. 1 trait of someone who lives on less than what they make is they don’t give in to new car smell,” Clark says.

Here are the five most common answers from the report:

  • Driving older vehicles: 48%

  • Owning a more modest home than they can afford: 42%

  • Not traveling as much as they prefer: 39%

  • No housecleaner: 39%

  • DIY projects instead of hiring help: 38%

💵 Today’s Top Stories
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Ever wonder how spammers get your email address and fill your inbox with junk? Here are 10 ways it happens – and some tips to prevent it. Read more.

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Just 1.7% of Americans have earned the highest possible score. Do you know what it is? And what’s the “magic number” to benefit the most? Read more.

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Get any of the iPhone 15 models from Visible and pay just $20/mo for your one line plan with code 5OFF3MO. Unlimited talk, text, data, and hotspot for less with Visible.

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One of the best credit card sign-up bonuses on the market for cards with zero fees comes from a surprising source. Is this card a good long-term option for your wallet? Read more.

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Americans did a great job of saving and paying off credit card debt during the COVID-19 pandemic. Many of us have sunk back into bad habits, though. Here’s how to hit reset. Read more.

Whirlpool and Haier made huge jumps in customer satisfaction. Did they catch the brand that ranked “best in class” last year? And which brands are best for each appliance category? Read more.

📊 Stat of the Day

🌶️ 2.69 million: Number of Scoville Heat Units in the new Pepper X, a world record for the hottest pepper. Grown by Ed Currie in South Carolina, the most famous hot pepper grower in the United States (and creator of the Carolina Reaper), it’s hotter than police pepper spray (1.6 million) and bear spray (2.2 million). So far, only five people have eaten an entire Pepper X.

💰️ Deal Alert: Today’s Top Deals
🎙️ Podcast

It’s time for "Clark Stinks!" Christa reads the latest "Clark Stinks!" submissions and Clark responds. Also, do you know what else stinks? Buy now pay later services. These “pay-in-four” options can be a disaster for your wallet.

☎️ Need Money Help?

The Team Clark Consumer Action Center is a free helpline that can help you navigate your money questions. Call 636-492-5275. Visit for more information.

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